Service in French Now Available at SiteGround

the map of France with the French flag announcing SiteGround service available in French

We believe that customizing our services for the local markets is key to an accessible, convenient and high-quality experience for our customers. We have already done this for our Spanish, Italian and German-speaking clients and we’re now proud to say that we have just added French to the list of languages we provide service in.


In the past few years the support and love we have received from our French clients and partners has been overwhelming. We’ve always wanted to do more for them and just recently we have expanded our datacenter and CDN network with a new location in Paris, France to improve loading speed and user experience for local businesses and individuals. The logical next step was to offer service in French and what better time to do that than the week of Bastille Day – the French national holiday!


Apart from the local site now available to all French visitors, SiteGround customers can now switch their language and start using their Client Area, Site Tools, knowledge base and tutorials, blog and support communication in French.



Put your site’s safety first

SiteGround employees at SiteGround Team Festival 2023

My First SiteGround Team Festival

This June marked the 5th SiteGround Team Festival, but for me it was the first one. Even though I joined the company more than two years ago, it was right after the pandemic hit and the world just stopped, so it took a while, but the wait was so worth it. My bar of expectations was already set pretty high, as I had heard legends about the past SiteGround Festivals (in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), even before I joined the team. Indeed, it turned out to be so much more than a team building event, more than a festival – an experience. An epic one.

Migrate to Google Analytics 4


the new features of google analytics 4

This July 1, 2023, Google permanently retires the application that has accompanied us in our web analytics for the last ten years: Universal Analytics. In doing so, it concludes a migration process that began three years ago, with the introduction of Google Analytics 4 in 2020. Although at that time it was not yet called that.

The change has caused an earthquake in the digital ecosystem since both versions are not compatible with each other, and switching from one to another involves a process, misnamed migration, which can sometimes be complex.

Indeed, Google Analytics 4 does not allow the import of historical data stored in Universal Analytics, which can be strategically important for those who need to perform comparative analysis with previous periods. For example, the case with an ecommerce that needs to contrast the results of this year’s Black Friday campaign with those of previous years.

To avoid this problem, the Google team insisted over the last two years that we install the new GA4 in parallel to UA, thus overlapping both measurements. As was predictable, many people did not carry out the integration until the last moment. Some have not even done it after the blackout.



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